

What example of independent store?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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SArisari store =))

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Q: What example of independent store?
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What example uses a conjunction to combine independent clauses?

An example of a conjunction used to combine independent clauses would be: "I went to the store, and I bought some groceries." In this sentence, the conjunction "and" is used to join the two independent clauses "I went to the store" and "I bought some groceries."

What is an example of conjoined sentence?

An example of a conjoined sentence is "I went to the store, and I bought some groceries." The two independent clauses are joined by the coordinating conjunction "and."

2 independent clauses are joined together by a conjunction?

A comma can be placed before the conjunction to separate the two independent clauses. For example: "I went to the store, and I bought some groceries."

What is an example for an independent protist?

An example for the independent protist is that they can't live without the host.

Can you give A examples of complex sentence?

A complex sentence has an independent clause which is joined to a dependent clause. An example of this is "Mary went to the store before she made dinner."

What is an independent trustee?

An independent trustee is an entity who is completely independent of the parties to the trust, not a relative. For example, an accountant, attorney or the trust department of a bank would be an independent trustee.An independent trustee is an entity who is completely independent of the parties to the trust, not a relative. For example, an accountant, attorney or the trust department of a bank would be an independent trustee.An independent trustee is an entity who is completely independent of the parties to the trust, not a relative. For example, an accountant, attorney or the trust department of a bank would be an independent trustee.An independent trustee is an entity who is completely independent of the parties to the trust, not a relative. For example, an accountant, attorney or the trust department of a bank would be an independent trustee.

Which is a comma splice?

A comma splice is when two independent clauses are joined by a comma without a proper conjunction or punctuation. For example: "I went to the store, I bought some bread."

An example of an independent clause?

An independent clause is a sentence that can stand on its own.

What Preposition after independent?

The preposition "of" typically follows the adjective "independent." For example, "She is an independent thinker" or "He values his independence."

Can you use a comma before the word but?

Yes, you can use a comma before the word "but" when it connects two independent clauses. For example: "I wanted to go to the store, but it started raining."

Example of independent clause?

An Independent clause can stand alone in a sentence. Example: (The IC is underlined) I can lift twenty pounds of feathers with brown spots on them.

Are pharmacist independent in charge in government hospitals?

yes, pharmacist is the independent incharge of store under supervision of doctor.