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Q: What exponent when applied to a nonzero base has the result of one?
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When the exponent is applied to the base the result is always one?

That's true if the exponent is zero. Then it doesn't even matter what the base is.

What is the rule for multiply numbers with the same base but different exponents?

base x base result x Exponent

What is the exponent and base for 262144?

The two are related. The answer could be base 2, exponent 18 or base 8, exponent 6 or base 10, exponent 5.4185 or base 262144, exponent 1 or base 68,719,476,736 and exponent 0.5

1 x x raise to 2 divide 2 fact x raise to n divide n fact?

Log of 1, Log Equaling 1; Log as Inverse; What's “ln”? ... The logarithm is the exponent, and the antilogarithm raises the base to that exponent. ... read that as “the logarithm of x in base b is the exponent you put on b to get x as a result.” ... In fact, when you divide two logs to the same base, you're working the ...

What is the base of an exponent?

The base of an exponent is the main number. For example in 56 the number 5 is the base and 6 is the exponent.

What is the Definition of negative exponents?

A negative exponent simply means that the base is on the wrong side of the fraction line.For example, if you have x-2, you can turn this into a positive exponent by moving the base to the denominator and changing the sign on the exponent. The result would be:1--x2

Will a negative exponent on a positive base ever result to a number less than 0?

No, it cannot.

What is the base and exponent of 4²?

4 is the base, 2 is the exponent.

Which number is the exponent and which is the base?

If you have ab then a is the base and b the exponent

What has a base and a exponent?

10x 10 is Base & x is exponent

What is the base and exponent of 121?

The base could be 11 and the exponent 2, giving 112 But, it could equally be base = 14641, and exponent = 0.5, or base = 10, and exponent = 2.082785 (approx)