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Q: What expression for distasteful taste?
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What is the base word of distasteful?

The base word of distasteful is "taste."

What is the root word of distasteful?

The root word of "distasteful" is "taste."

How do we describe the expression when we are scared. Having a scary expression or scared expression?

Shaking in our boots/shoes. There is another one that I know, but it is a bit distasteful. freaked out

What is the root of distasteful?

Taste. You add either the prefix dis or the suffix ful, and then add the other.

What Rhymes With Disgraceful?

grace, face, base, pace,case,taste

What is the meaning of distasteful?

Unpleasant or disgusting to the taste; nauseous; loathsome., Offensive; displeasing to the feelings; disagreeable; as, a distasteful truth., Manifesting distaste or dislike; repulsive.

What is the suffix in distasteful?

The suffix in distasteful is ful.

What is ill savoured?

"Ill savoured" generally means something that is unpleasant or distasteful in taste or smell. It can also be used to describe something that leaves a bad taste in one's mouth figuratively, such as a situation or behavior.

How do you use the word distasteful in a sentence?

Asking people for money is distasteful.

When was the expression your taste in men first used?

when I was 12...

What does the expression mmmmm mean?

a good taste or smell

Meaning of the phrase'tickle the palate'?

There is an informal expression: tickle the taste buds. Said of food, it means "taste good." Using the word palate instead of taste buds seems to dress the expression up a bit, but it is still informal.