

What fact is a statistic?

Updated: 11/4/2022
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13y ago

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well i dont get the question but any fact is a statistic.

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Q: What fact is a statistic?
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What is statistic fact?

well i dont get the question but any fact is a statistic.

What best fits statistic?

A numerical fact

What term best fits statistic?

A numerical fact

What is the difference between a fact and a statistic?

a fact is hard information, such as it is raining, or it is sunny, and a statistic is more like they have sold more than 3,000,000 copies of their album. That is all I know

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i dont know gwt over it

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The statistic I've read is 93. Much has changed--it is 98.6-fact

What is Stastistic?

A statistic is a true fact that can be scientifically proven

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A fact and an option are two very different things. A fact is something true a point of information,eg. a statistic. Whilst an option is something that gives us the option to choose, a choice.

Which statistic supports the fact that excessive television watching is linked to obesity?

Sky Sports audience figures many support that supposition, but it's not a proven fact - more of an opinion involving guesswork.

The American alligator lives in Florida Is it a fact statistic anecdotal information or expert opinion?

It is a fact that American alligators live in Florida, as well as in Georgia and some other southern American states.

What is the power of a statistic?

The power of a statistical test is the probability that the test will reject the null hypothesis when it is, in fact, false. Please see the link.

What is the difference between facts and statistics?

A statistic is a number or a fraction or any form of numerical data. A fact is an accepted theory or idea that can be proven.