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Q: What faction is greater than 1 5 but smaller than 1 3?
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No, it is smaller.

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1 yard equals 36 inches which is smaller than 60 inches

Is 1.0 smaller than 0.3?

No. 0.3 is 1/3, which is smaller than 1.0.

Why does't the number get bigger with multiplication?

The assertion in the question is false. The result of a multiplication depends on the values. Given two numbers X and Y, if X < 0 and if Y < 0 then X*Y is greater than either; if X > 1 and if Y > 1 then X*Y is greater than either; if X < 0 and if Y > 1 then X*Y is smaller than either; if X > 1 and if Y < 0 then X*Y is smaller than either; if 0 < X < 1 and if 0 < Y < 1 then X*Y is smaller than either; If X < 0 and if 0 < Y < 1 then X*Y is greater than X but smaller than Y; If 0 < X < 1 and if Y > 1 then X*Y is greater than X but smaller than Y; If 0 < X < 1 and if Y < 0 then X*Y is smaller than X but greater than Y; If X > 1 and if 0 < Y < 1 then X*Y is smaller than X but greater than Y.

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5/8 is greater than 0.5 which is the same as 1/2

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eight tenths is greater 1 tenth may be smaller than 1 eighth but there are 8 1 tenths and only 3 1 eighths that amount is smaller than the amount of how many tenths there are

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It's definitely greater. A Quart is one quarter of a Gallon.