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wieght hieght etc

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Q: What factors did you take into account to decide the number of wheels you chose in your design?
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How can you decide if a number is a prime number?

If it only has two factors, it's a prime number.

How do you decide if a counting number is a composite number?

A prime number has exactly two factors, 1 and the number itself. Any number having more factors than a prime is a composite number.

How do you decide if a number is prime or composite?

a prime number is if the number only can be divided by 1 and itself. If it has more than 2 factors it is a composite

How much does installing an ansul system cost for a small restaurant?

There are lots of factors in the design which will account for the cost of a system. Things to take into account are number of appliances to be covered, size of the plenum and number of extraction ducts and number of manual pulls required. For a small restaurant with one appliance line, small hood and one manual release point, you would be looking at around £1,700 with labour.

Why did mathematics decide to not call 1 a prime number?

Because a prime number has two factors whereas 1 has only one factor which is itself

What factors might account for differences in the graphs and or total number of toothpick grasshoppers in each group?

Change Habitat

Why there is only 60 seconds in one minuit?

Tradition. It was decided a long time ago to decide each hour in 60 minutes, perhaps because that number has lots of factors.Tradition. It was decided a long time ago to decide each hour in 60 minutes, perhaps because that number has lots of factors.Tradition. It was decided a long time ago to decide each hour in 60 minutes, perhaps because that number has lots of factors.Tradition. It was decided a long time ago to decide each hour in 60 minutes, perhaps because that number has lots of factors.

Why is it important to control all variables exempt one?

That is simply not true.There are times when a number of factors can have an effect on the outcome of an experiment but it is not possible to conduct the experiment so that only one factor is allowed to vary while all others are controlled. It is far more efficient - in terms of experimental units - to design the experiment so that the interactions between variable factors can be estimated. Experimental design is the subject that deals with the problem of designing efficient schema for dealing with a number of interacting factors. You may wish to look at "Latin square design" and "Greco-Latin squares" as an introduction to design.

What is bsb and account number?

The account number is the number assigned to a particular account. A BSB is the number in front of the account number, in the Australian banking system. The BSB number denotes what 'B'ank', 'S'tate, and 'B'ranch the account is in.

Where do i find my account number from direct express?

Is my bank account number the same number on the front of my direct express card

Is the number on your ATM card your account number?

No, it is your 'card number'. To find your 'account number', look at a copy of your latest account statement.

What is the BSB number for me bank?

its a account number like " Account Name: Account Number: BSB: 944300"