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Q: What famous people did Rene Descartes meet?
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What happens if you meet famous people?

u get famous too?

Did Marie Curie meet any famous people on her trip to the Royal institute of London?

No she did not meet anyone famous on the trip.

How do you meet a famous singer?

you just meet them in concerts or if you become famous ;) Bear in mind that if the concert is attended by thousands of people, the performer is not really going to be able to meet all the people who would like to meet him or her after the concert. But if it is a smaller concert, then you have a decent chance of meeting the performer after the performance. And of course it is true, as the first answer states, that if you personally become famous, then other famous people will be more willing to meet you.

What famous people did Mary Shelley meet?

Lord Byron: a famous poet

How can you become famous in New York?

It all depends on how you advertise yourself. Whatever it is that you're attempting to become famous for, you've got to be optimistic and be willing to make that leap of faith. Meet people, meet people, and then meet some more people. Get your name out there.

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Malcom meet many people..some people that he meet were Elijah Muhammad, Dr.king, Fidel Castro, and King Fisal of Soudi Arabia..he meet more pople but i am not sure who else

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Of course. The president of the United States always meets many of the famous people of his day.

Where to buy meet the crew on clubpenguin?

Which crew? Are you referring to any of the 'Famous People' On Club Penguin

How do you beccome famous?

you go to a studio and record songs someone will give you a record deal so that way you can meet other famous people

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People want to meet Steve Irwin because he is famous. He had a great love for animals and wanted to teach the world about it, even if it meant he was risking his life

What benefits are there to a model?

- good pay - free merchandise/products/clothes - opportunity to travel - chance to be well known/famous - meet famous people