It is a system for defining and communication engeneering tolerances. It uses a symbolic language on engeneering drawings that explicitly describes nominal geometry,
A proof that uses techniques from geometry.
Datum dimensioning is where a single reference point is used for all dimensions in a single direction. E.g. If Point A is declared the reference point, then Points B, C, D, etc, will all be measured relative to Point A, not to each other. Chain dimensioning is where each point is measured to the next. E.g. Point B is measured from Point A, Point C is measured from Point B, Point C is measured from Point B, and so on. The problem with chain dimensioning is that each measurement relies on the accuracy of the previous measurement. If there is a tolerance associated with each measurement (+/- X), then the tolerance for each subsequent dimension accumulates and becomes the number of measurements times the tolerance of each measurement (+/- n*X). Since datum dimensioning uses only one reference point, the tolerances cannot accumulate as each measurement is isolated, rather than relying on the accuracy of the previous measurement. Common practice is to only use datum dimensioning in design drawings to ensure greater accuracy over the entire design without requiring tighter tolerances.
it is a drawing tha uses geometric functions
The optical microscope uses a magnetic field to magnify images up to 1,000.000
The Cartesian coordinate system allows a geometric curve to be described in algebraic terms. This then allows the use of algebraic tools including differentiation and integration to be used to solve geometric problems such as the turning points of curves, their volumes of rotation and so on. It also enables geometric methods to be applied to solving algebraic problems.
it is a drawing tha uses geometric functions
A proof that uses techniques from geometry.
A coordinate proof
Geometric modeling is a collection of computerized modeling system. It uses computational geometry and mathematics to create, optimize, analyze, model, and modify designs.
Islamic art often uses repetition of geometric patterns to create a continuous space.
In an arithmetic sequence the same number (positive or negative) is added to each term to get to the next term.In a geometric sequence the same number (positive or negative) is multiplied into each term to get to the next term.A geometric sequence uses multiplicative and divisive formulas while an arithmetic uses additive and subtractive formulas.
a farmer uses it to plough the field
Datum dimensioning is where a single reference point is used for all dimensions in a single direction. E.g. If Point A is declared the reference point, then Points B, C, D, etc, will all be measured relative to Point A, not to each other. Chain dimensioning is where each point is measured to the next. E.g. Point B is measured from Point A, Point C is measured from Point B, Point C is measured from Point B, and so on. The problem with chain dimensioning is that each measurement relies on the accuracy of the previous measurement. If there is a tolerance associated with each measurement (+/- X), then the tolerance for each subsequent dimension accumulates and becomes the number of measurements times the tolerance of each measurement (+/- n*X). Since datum dimensioning uses only one reference point, the tolerances cannot accumulate as each measurement is isolated, rather than relying on the accuracy of the previous measurement. Common practice is to only use datum dimensioning in design drawings to ensure greater accuracy over the entire design without requiring tighter tolerances.
An electromagnet uses an electromagnetic field to generate a magnetic field when an electric current flows through it.
Classic Muslim art often uses geometric shapes.