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A pentagon has five sides and five angles.

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Q: What figure has five sides and five angles?
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What are pentagon attribute?

Closed figure; five sides; five angles.

What is a polygon with five sides and five angles?

a pentagon has five sides and five angles.

A polygon with five sides and five angles?

A pentagon has five sides and angles.

What is a plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles and typically five or more?

A polygon.

A figure with five sides?

A figure with five sides is a Pentagon...

What are polygon definition?

A Polygon is a figure with at least three straight sides and angles, and typically five or more.

How many angles and sides are on a pentagon?

A pentagon has five sides and thus five angles.

Is there a pentagon with a right angle?

Strictly speaking a pentagon is a plane figure with five straight sides and five angles, so yes, a pentagon can have one - or more - right angles. Imagine a rectangle with one of the corners cut off - that would have five sides and three right angles. .......... ............. ................ .................. .................. .................. ..................

What shape has five vertices and five faces?

A pyramid is a three-dimensional figure with five verticies and five sides (four of which are triangles and one of which is a square). A pentagon is a two-dimensional figure with five angles and five edges.

How can a similar figure not be congruent?

if the angles of a figure are the same but the sides aren't, it is similiar. Congruent is angles and sides exactly the same

What has five line segments and five angles?

a pentagon has five sides and five angles

What figure has no sides and no angles?

a circle