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A square is the only shape to have 4 congruent sides.

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Q: What figures always has a 4 congruent side?
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Are all figures with 4 congruent sides a square?

All figures with four congruent sides are rhombuses. All figures with four congruent angles are rectangles. Any shape that is both a rhombus and a rectangle is a square.

What closed 4- sided figure has 4 right angles and 4 pairs of congruent sides?

I assume you mean 4 congruent sides or 2 pairs of congruent sides.. (There are no 4-sided figures with 8 sides.) A square.

Does a trapezoid always have 4 congruent sides?

A trapezoid, in general, does not have congruent sides.

Does a A rhombus has 4 congruent sides but a square does not always have 4 congruent sides?

A square and a rhombus both have 4 congruent sides but their interior angles are different

What quadrilateral always has 4 congruent angles and opposite sides that are congruent are paralle?

It is a rectangle.

Is a trapezoid always congruent?

Not always because its 4 sides can have different dimensions to other trapezoids

What shapes have 4 congruent side but no right angles?

A rhombus is one of them

What shape has 4 side all congruent none are perpendicular?

It is a rhombus

Which quadrilaterals always have 2 pairs of parallel sides and always have 4 congruent angle?

Square and rectangle.

Is a square always sometimes or never a rectangle?

It is never a rectangle but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals

How many significant figures are in 5.050mg?

4 significant figures. Zeros after the decimal are always significant.

Which of the following is a quadrilateral that always has 4 equal sides and opposite angles congruent?
