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Q: What flowchart structure allows you to write one set of instructions that operates on multiple separate sets of data?
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The structure that allows you to write one set of instructions that operates on multiple separate sets of data is?


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A domestic company is one that operates in its country of origin and an international company is one that operates in multiple countries.

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The id is the personality structure that operates according to the pleasure principle. It is the impulsive and primal part of the mind that seeks immediate gratification of needs and desires without considering consequences or morals.

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Draeger's Markets is a corporation that operates multiple locations.

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The central processing unit interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate a computer. The central processing unit is frequently abbreviated as CPU.

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What is the structure called on an echinoderm that operates much like a living suction cup?

The tube foot

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An international business is one that operates in multiple countries. A domestic company operates in its original country without any ties to other countries.

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This exchange of gases does not depend how "hard" you breathe but operates on the principle of Diffusion

What is a number system used by a coumputer called?

Binary. The brain in a computer, its Central Processing Unit, operates on a continuous fetch and execute of instructions provided to it by low and high level processes. The CPU processes instructions in native (binary) mode.