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Q: What foot position has one foot in front of the other but closed together?
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What is a set of rational numbers not closed under?

It is not closed under taking square (or other even) roots.

What is a closed plane figure which has sides that never cross each other?

If none of the sides ever cross each other, there cannot be a closed plane figure.

Is Division closed in Real?

No, since you can't divide by zero. On the other hand, the set of real numbers without zero is closed under division.

How is the recursive form of a sequence sometimes more useful than the closed form where a rule is found to find any term based on its position in the sequence?

"The recursive form is very useful when there aren't too many terms in the sequence. For instance, it would be fairly easy to find the 5th term of a sequence recursively, but the closed form might be better for the 100th term. On the other hand, finding the closed form can be very difficult, depending on the sequence. With computers or graphing calculators, the 100th term can be found quickly recursively."

Is Closed interval finite?

Assuming its endpoints are not equal, a closed interval of the real number line a has an infinite number of real numbers in it. Closed intervals of other ordered sets can have either a finite or an infinite number of elements. I am not sure I answered your question because I am not exactly sure what you are asking. Could you be more specific? Are you talking about a closed interval of the real number line or closed interval of some other ordered set? By finite do you mean 'containing a finite number of elements' or do you mean 'bounded by a finite number'.

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A hi-hat consists of two cymbals mounted on a stand that can be played in a closed position with a foot pedal or opened and closed by pressing the cymbals together. Unlike other cymbals, the hi-hat can produce a sustained sound when played in a closed position and a sharp, staccato sound when played in an open position.

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Without other physical indications, the human jaw will come to rest in the closed position.

What are the names for the five feet positions in ballet?

First position is when you bring your heels together and have your toes face outwards. Second positions is keeping your feet in first position and then moving them out a little to the side...about the length of one (normal) human foot. Third position is sliding one of your feet from second position in front of the other so that your heel is in the middle of your other foot. Fourth position is sliding your front foot forward a little bit from third position. Fifth position is bringing that front foot back to have the heel touch the tip of the toe and move your toes close to the heel of your other foot (but not too much)

Which foot position has the feet turned out with one in front of the other with a space between?

Fourth position

What is a closed pack position?

A closed pack position refers to the position of a joint where the ligaments and other supporting structures are maximally taut, leading to the highest degree of joint stability. This position typically occurs when the joint is in its most congruent position, reducing its susceptibility to injury. In physical therapy, closed pack positions are often used to assess joint function and stability.

What are all the names of the different positions in ballet and please explain each in grade 5?

1st position- feet are turned out (toes pointing outward) and heels are together. 2nd position- same as first position but the heels are not touching, they are slightly more than hip width apart. 3rd position- (not commonly used in ballet, but still a position) feet are turned out and the heel of one foot is in front of the other and is touching the middle of the side of that foot. 4th position- feet are turned out and one foot is about a 6 inches to 1foot in front of the other foot. 5th position- same as fourth, but the feet are touching, heel to toe 6th position- (not commonlyl used in ballet) feet are together, not turned out.

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a group of people that work together, and support each other

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The front is facing the road you live on and the back faces the other side.

What is the law about embarrassing employees in front of other employees by supervisors?

No it is not right to talk to another emplopyee in front of other employees in an embarrassing way. This should be handled in a professional manner behing closed doors

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When switches are connected in series mention whether the switches are dependent on each other to turn the lamp on?

When switches or any circuit opening devices are in series with each other, they all have to be in the closed position to energize the load.When switches or any circuit opening devices are in parallel with each other, any one of the switches or circuit opening devices in the closed position will energize the load.

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