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Q: What for do you use for metal ruler?
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Why is a metal ruler stronger than a plastic ruler by terms of the kinetic theory?

A metal ruler is stronger than a plastic ruler in terms of the kinetic theory because the metal atoms are arranged in a tightly packed, orderly structure which gives it greater strength and cohesion. The metal ruler's atomic structure allows it to better withstand external forces and deformation compared to the more loosely arranged atoms in a plastic ruler.

Is a metal ruler a man-made material?


Is it possible to iron a shirt with a hair dryer and a long metal ruler?

It is not recommended to iron a shirt using a hair dryer and a long metal ruler. Hair dryers are not designed to generate the level of heat and pressure necessary for ironing clothes, and using a metal ruler may cause damage to the fabric. It is safer and more effective to use a traditional iron for ironing clothes.

Dissecting rigid metal ruler?

A rigid metal ruler typically consists of a long, thin strip of metal, marked with measurements for length or distance. The ruler is usually made of a durable material, such as stainless steel or aluminum, to withstand bending or breaking. Dissecting it may involve dismantling or analyzing its components for study or understanding its construction.

Is the gauge used to measure the length of a metal a metal?

It can be but not always. A steel ruler as opposed to a wooden one for instance.

How do you measure millimeters?

You use a ruler that is marked with millimetres. Alternatively, you can use a ruler that is marked with inches and then multiply by 25.4 to get the result in millimetres, or use a ruler marked with centimetres and multiply by 10.

How do you use a centimeter ruler?

In the same way that you would use any other ruler except that you use the centimetre scale.

What is a ruler made out of?

A ruler is made out of wood usually but sometimes can be made out of rubber. it could also be made out of metal or plastic

How do you use a ruler?

To use a ruler, place the 0 mark at one end of the object you want to measure. Then, read the measurement at the opposite end where it aligns with the ruler markings. Make sure to use the correct units (inches, centimeters, etc.) as indicated on the ruler.

What can you use as an ruler for cm?

measuring scale, tape, or ruler is used.

How do you use ruler in a sentence?

A ruler shows set measurements, either in inches or millimeters. You can draw a straight line using the edge of a ruler. Use a ruler to measure the size of a piece of typing paper.

How much does a meter ruler weigh?

A meter ruler typically weighs around 100-200 grams, depending on the material it is made of, such as plastic or metal.