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Q: What force would be needed to accelerate a boulder having a mass of 1800 kg by 3 meters per second per second?
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What is needed to give a large boulder a large acceleration?

To give a large boulder a large acceleration, a significant force must be applied to overcome its inertia and resistance to motion. This force needs to be sustained over a period of time to accelerate the boulder to the desired speed. Additionally, reducing friction between the boulder and the surface it rests on can help facilitate its acceleration.

When can an object have Acceleration?

Whenever there is a resultant force acting on a body which is having some mass, then that body will accelerate (or) A body whose velocity is changing with respect to time and having some mass then the body will accelerate.

What is the minimum water velocity needed in a stream to maintain the transportation of the smallest boulder?

The minimum water velocity needed to transport the smallest boulder is determined by the critical threshold velocity. This velocity is influenced by factors such as the size, shape, and weight of the boulder. In general, for very small boulders, velocities in the range of 0.5 to 1.0 meters per second are often sufficient to initiate transport.

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How much force is needed to accelerate a a 1 kilogram toy car at a rate of 12 meters per sec per sec?

F = (m) x (A) = (1) x (12) = 12 newtons

How much force is needed to accelerate a 1 kilogram car at a rate of 2 meters per second per second?

Force = mass times acceleration F = 1 x 2 = 2 Newtons

How much force is needed to accelerate a 2000 kg car at a rate of 6 meters per second square?

Force = mass * accelerationForce = (2000 kg)(6 m/s2)= 12,000 Newtons of force=================

How much force is needed to accelerate an 1800 kg truck 4 meters per second?

Force = mass * acceleration and acceleration is in units of meters per second squared. I will assume you mean this. m/s2 Force = (1800 kg)(4 m/s2) = 7200 Newtons ----------------------

How much force is needed to accelerate an object twice as fast?

To accelerate an object twice as fast, you would need to exert twice the force. This is because force is directly proportional to acceleration, as defined by Newton's second law, F=ma. So if you double the acceleration, you must double the force.

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by lowering the activation energy needed

How much force is needed to accelerate a 66-kg skier?

Force = Mass* Acceleration = 66 Kg * 2 m/second = 132 Kg meters per second per second = 132 Newtons.