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Q: What forces are used in everyday life?
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an example of how the property of compreesibility of gases is used in everyday life is when using a hand pump to fill a bicycle tire. Rapidily pushing in the plunger of the pump forces the air into a smaller volume. that ur answer. got it.

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Ldrs are used in everyday life as solar panels.

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Algebra is used in lots of differant ways in everyday life because it's maths.

How is matrices used in everyday life?

Unless your "everyday life" involves work in some area of engineering, you won't use matrices in your everyday life.

How do we experience forces in everyday life?

We experience forces in everyday life when we push or pull objects, feel weight on our bodies due to gravity, or notice the resistance when we try to move something heavy. Forces are present in actions like walking, driving a car, or even holding objects in our hands.

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What is a story from everyday life used to express spiritual ideas?

A story from everyday life used to express spiritual ideas is a parable.

How is granite used in everyday life?

Some ways granite is used in everyday life is in table tops, floors, and kitchen surfaces.

How is geometry used in your everyday life?

Geometry is used in my everyday life because I see it everyday. Everything I see is practically geometry. There are posters on my classroom wall, there are desks and chairs, tables, and a big nice white board. I guess this is really how I used geometry in my everyday life.