n+1The above formula is how to find the number of vertices in an n-gon.
Subtract 1 from the number of vertices. Find the name of the polygon with that many sides. The pyramid has that polygon as its base. So, for example, 7 vertices. Subtract one and that gives 6. A six sided polygon is a hexagon. So the shape is a hexagon based (or hexagonal) pyramid.
The number of vertices in an octagonal pyramid is 9, irrespective of any graph.
1 + number of sides/vertices the base shape has A square-based pyramid has 5 vertices, for example.
11 vertices (one more than the number of vertices in the base).
No. A pyramid can have any number of vertices from 4 upwards.
n+1The above formula is how to find the number of vertices in an n-gon.
No. A triangular prism has six vertices. A square pyramid has five vertices. A triangular pyramid has four vertices.
Subtract 1 from the number of vertices. Find the name of the polygon with that many sides. The pyramid has that polygon as its base. So, for example, 7 vertices. Subtract one and that gives 6. A six sided polygon is a hexagon. So the shape is a hexagon based (or hexagonal) pyramid.
Two times the number of vertices in the polygonal base of the pyramid.
If the number of vertices is not the same as the number of faces, it cannot be a pyramid.
13 vertices. A pyramid always has the same number of faces and vertices.
Yes, it has one more vertex than the number of vertices on the polygonal base of the pyramid.
The number of vertices in an octagonal pyramid is 9, irrespective of any graph.
1 + number of sides/vertices the base shape has A square-based pyramid has 5 vertices, for example.
10. For any pyramid, it will be one more than the number of vertices in the base.
Its shape, the number of faces edges and vertices.