There are four of them, which are 256, 258, 259 and 260.
To get the PRODUCT of two numbers, multiply them together...
Add, subtract, multiply and divide.
There are four of them, which are 256, 258, 259 and 260.
Multiply by four to get the next number.
1 & 512, 2 & 256, 4 & 128, 8 & 64, 16 & 32
Each of these factor pairs (multiply the numbers in parentheses) equals 256: (1, 256) (2, 128) (4, 64) (8, 32) (16, 16)
Multiply 256 by .75 (256 * .75 = $192.00)
Take for instance: 4 times 64 = 256
There are no real numbers that meet that criteria.
To get the PRODUCT of two numbers, multiply them together...
Well, honey, the two numbers that can be multiplied to equal 256 are 16 and 16. It's as simple as that. Math doesn't have to be complicated, dear. Just multiply those two numbers and you'll get your answer.