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Q: What four powers that divided and occupied?
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The four powers that divided and occupied Germany?

After World War II was over, the Allied troops occupied Germany and divided it into four sections, each one controlled by one of the four powers. The four Allied powers were the USA, the USSR, Britain, and France.

What are four powers that divided and occupied Germany?

The U.S.S.R, The Unites States of America, Great Britain and France.

What city was divided into four different sections?

Immediately after WWII, the German capitol of Berlin was divided into four sectors, each occupied by one of the four major allied powers (the Soviet Union, the United States, the United Kingdom and France).

What four powers divided Germany into four zones?

USSR, USA, UK, and France

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Why did Japan remain a unified country after World War two?

After WW II Germany was divided into East and West Germany because it had been occupied by all of the allied powers, including the USSR, and the USSR turned the part of Germany that it occupied into a Soviet satellite state. In comparison, Japan was occupied only by the US, and therefore there was no reason for it to be divided.

How much German land was occupied by the Allied powers after World War 2?

All of Germany was occupied by Allied Powers after WWII. The Russians occupied almost the entire eastern section of Germany and Britain, France, and the US occupied the western section.

How was Vienna divided after World War 2?

Like Berlin, Vienna was divided into four sectors - British, American, Soviet and French. The historic centre, District I, was however run jointly by the four powers.

Was Germany divided into four zones and controlled by a different Allied country?

Yes. Germany was split up by the four major Allied Powers; the U.S., France, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union; at the end of the Second World War. Berlin was also split up by the four major Aliied Powers.Here is a link to a picture of the occupied zones:

Which two powers occupied north and South Korea after WW2?

Russia occupied North Korea and the U S occupied South Korea after WW2

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What country was divided into 4 parts?

Germany was divided into four parts after World War II. These parts were controlled by the Allied powers - United States, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, and France.