Sierpinski Gasket
koch curve
Yes - as you "zoom in" on the sides of the snowflake, the same pattern occurs infinitely.
You can never draw a fractal because it is an infinitely replicating pattern. Unlike the decimal representation of a number, for example 1/3 where you can put a dot over the 3 to indicate the fact that the digit recurs infinitely many times, there is no short-cut available for fractals. To draw an approximation of a fractal, you start with some pattern in mind. You then replace some parts of the original pattern by similar but smaller versions of the pattern. Repeat again and again until the end of time - and beyond!
Sierpinski Gasket
Fractal Records was created in 1994.
The Fractal Prince was created in 2012.
Fractal Analytics was created in 2000.
Ultra Fractal was created in 2006-05.
koch curve
The Fractal Geometry of Nature was created in 1982.
Fractal Possession was created on 2007-05-02.
Seymour the Fractal Cat was created in 1996-04.
Yes - as you "zoom in" on the sides of the snowflake, the same pattern occurs infinitely.
Parasite - Fractal Glider album - was created in 2002.