Fraction : = 9/15 = 3/5 (simplified) Decimal : (divide 9 by 15) = 0.6 Percent : 9/15 = 60/100 = 60%
9/15 = 3/5
It is 15/9 which can be simplified.
15/9% = (15/9) / 100 = 15/900 = 1/60
15/27 = 5/9
Fraction : = 9/15 = 3/5 (simplified) Decimal : (divide 9 by 15) = 0.6 Percent : 9/15 = 60/100 = 60%
The answer is 0.
9/15 = 3/5
9 and 11/15 = 146/15
It is 15/9 which can be simplified.
15/9% = (15/9) / 100 = 15/900 = 1/60
9/15 equals 3/5 in its simplest form
15/27 = 5/9
Write "9" then the forward slash "/" and then "15". Or you can write the 9 above a horizontal line with the 15 below that line.
9 15/100 or 9 3/20