It makes it .666666 to infinity. The fraction is written 2/3
A fraction is division. For example, the fraction 2/3 is a cleaner way of writing 2 divided by 3, the answer to which is .666666. The purpose of fractions is not having to deal with decimals and having a cleaner way to write numbers.
111111 x 6 = 666666
There cannot be a whole fraction. If it is a fraction it is not whole and if it is whole it is not a fraction.
It makes it .666666 to infinity. The fraction is written 2/3
666666 is a number formed by repeating the digit 6 six times. In numerology, 666 is often associated with the biblical number of the beast. In mathematics, 666666 is an even composite number.
A fraction is division. For example, the fraction 2/3 is a cleaner way of writing 2 divided by 3, the answer to which is .666666. The purpose of fractions is not having to deal with decimals and having a cleaner way to write numbers.
I have found 2 answers and do not know which one is correct one is: 666666. The other one is: 00168-0000
In decimal form it is .666666 etc... but if you are trying to find equivalent fractions then simply multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same number. For example, if you multiply the numerator and the denominator by 2 then the equivalent fraction would be 4/6. you try!
111111 x 6 = 666666
66.667%, or 2/3 100,000/150,000 divides to .666666, or can be simplified to 2/3
22^333^444^55555^666666^7777777^88888888^999999999 repeat this step 4096 times