You can write any fraction in which the numerator (top) is less than the denominator (bottom).
Fine print: the fraction must be positive, and the numerator can't be zero.
a proper fraction or a decimal
A quarter is half way between zero and a half.
It is not necessarily the case.
A proper fraction is but mixed fractions, which are also often called fractions, are greater than 1.
If you mean the difference in terms of numerical value, then it is the positive faction minus the negative faction, which is calculated as the positive fraction plus the absolute value* of the negative fraction - just like the difference between a positive and negative number. * The absolute value of a number is the value of the number ignoring any minus sign; eg abs(-4) = 4 = abs(4). If you mean the difference in terms of where they are on the number line, then the positive fraction is one side of zero (it is greater than zero) and the negative fraction is the other side of zero (it is less than zero).
a proper fraction or a decimal
A quarter is half way between zero and a half.
yes, a number between 1-99 is a fraction.
It is not necessarily the case.
A proper fraction is but mixed fractions, which are also often called fractions, are greater than 1.
The answer depends on "compared with what". The fraction 3/8 is close to zero compared to 7/8, but it is far from zero compared to 3/80.Fractions are infinitely dense and so, given anyfraction, there are infinitely many fractions between that fraction and zero. All of these will be closer to zero. And if you pick any one of these, there will be infinitely many between it and zero which will be closer still. And so it goes on.
The statement is false.
Yes, rational fractions consist of one integer divided by a non-zero integer.
If you mean the difference in terms of numerical value, then it is the positive faction minus the negative faction, which is calculated as the positive fraction plus the absolute value* of the negative fraction - just like the difference between a positive and negative number. * The absolute value of a number is the value of the number ignoring any minus sign; eg abs(-4) = 4 = abs(4). If you mean the difference in terms of where they are on the number line, then the positive fraction is one side of zero (it is greater than zero) and the negative fraction is the other side of zero (it is less than zero).
Any fraction that has a zero as the numerator equals zero. Any fraction that does not have a zero in the numerator would be a nonzero fraction.
Zero divided by any number can look like a fraction - but I wouldn't call it one, as it is immediately resolvable to a plain 0.
When you divide a number by a fraction between zero and one, the quotient will be greater than that number.