40% = 2/5
Written as a decimal fraction, 40 percent is equal to 0.4.Written as a vulgar fraction, 40 percent is equal to 4/10, which can be read either as "four over ten" or "four tenths".
The simplest fraction here is two fifths.
1.175 is equal to 47/40
0.025 = 1/40
40% equal to fraction 30 what is value of X?
40% = 2/5
Written as a decimal fraction, 40 percent is equal to 0.4.Written as a vulgar fraction, 40 percent is equal to 4/10, which can be read either as "four over ten" or "four tenths".
As a fraction 0.325 = 13/40 in its simplest form
The simplest fraction here is two fifths.
.4 or 40%
1.175 is equal to 47/40
0.025 = 1/40
40/100 or 20/50 or 2/5th
25/40 = 5/8
16/40 is equal.