To find equivalent fractions, you first need to identify any common factors between the numerator and the denominator. In this case, both 175 and 75 can divide by 25. Do this and we have simplified the fraction to 7/3. This is the fraction in its simplest form (although it is vulgar). The next step to finding other equivalent fractions is to multiply this fraction by any integer (2, 3, 4, etc.)
That gives us the first few equivalent fractions as:
7/3, 14/6, 21/9, 28/12...
It is 0.84
75 over 100 15 over 20 Whatever makes 75%
75/175 Since both numbers end in '5' , they will cancel down by '5' Hence 15/35 Similarly 3/7 The simplest fraction.
75/90 as a fraction in its lowest terms = 5/6
It is 0.84
The right answer to the is 75 over 52
75 over 100 15 over 20 Whatever makes 75%
75/175 Since both numbers end in '5' , they will cancel down by '5' Hence 15/35 Similarly 3/7 The simplest fraction.
75/90 as a fraction in its lowest terms = 5/6
25/75 is 1/3. Divide both 25 and 75 (numerator and denominator) by 25 to get the answer.
75/175 = 3x25/7x25 = 3/7
3/4 equates to 0.75 or 75%.