There are a lot of fractions equivilent to 5/8. All you have to do is multiply the numerator (top number) and denominator (bottom number) by the same number.
For example: 5x2=10 and 8x2=16 so 10/16 is an equivilent fraction. Some other fractions are: 15/24, 20/32, 25/40. There are still a lot more fraction that equal 5/8 though.
5/1 is an equivalent fraction for 25/5
equivalent fraction to 1 out of 5 = 2/10
0.2 is equivalent to 1/5 in a fraction.
3/5 is equivalent fraction for 0.60.
0.375 is an equivalent fraction.
fraction equivalent for 5 = 5/1
5/1 is an equivalent fraction for 25/5
2/5 is the equivalent fraction
5 is 5/1 in fraction
equivalent fraction to 1 out of 5 = 2/10
If you mean: 2/5 then its equivalent fraction is 4/10
12/5 is equivalent to 24/10
0.2 is equivalent to 1/5 in a fraction.
3/5 is equivalent fraction for 0.60.
4/5 is the equivalent fraction of 0.8