To find a fraction equivalent to 95/100, we need to simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor. In this case, the greatest common divisor of 95 and 100 is 5. Dividing both numbers by 5 gives us 19/20. Therefore, the fraction equivalent to 95/100 is 19/20.
The reduced fraction of 95/100 is 19/20
95 over 100
7.95 If you want the equivalent fraction, it is 7 95/100 = 7 19/20.
95% times both sides of the fraction to get 95/100. change that in to 95%
The reduced fraction of 95/100 is 19/20
95 over 100
o.95 = 0.95/1.00 Cancel down the decimal point. 95/100 Cancel down by '5' 19/20 This is an equivalent fraction in its lowest terms.
7.95 If you want the equivalent fraction, it is 7 95/100 = 7 19/20.
95% times both sides of the fraction to get 95/100. change that in to 95%
95% is 95/100 That fraction can be simplified to: 19/20
95/100 = 95%
95% = 95/100 = 19/20
It is 95/100 = 19/20.
You just write the fraction and simplified if needed. Original answer:95/100 Simplified answer:19/20