It depends on fraction of what. It is 1/9 of a day, 1/63 of a week.
The average fraction of the day one spends sleeping is 3/8.
Three days is 3/7 of a week, which is a bit less than half.
* about one time a day or one day a week!!!!
The answer will depend on a fraction of WHAT: a day, week, year, etc. Since you have not bothered to share that crucial bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.
because Sunday is the last day of the week and it is the day when we can look back at our week and then if it was a bad week pray that your next week will be a good one.
Approximately 1/52 of a year. There are about 52 weeks in one year.
because we are celebrating our DAY of birth not the week or moth but the DAY.
You cannot have a fraction of just one number unless you consider the rather pointless form of 11 weeks = 11/1 weeks!
One seventh. There are seven days in a week.
Statistically there really is no day of the week that is safer to fly than others. A person has a one in seven million chance of dying in a plane crash on any day of the week.