It is 750/1000. The fraction can be simplified to 3/4 but by simplifying, you lose almost all information about the accuracy of the original fraction.
750 in fraction = 750/1
750/1000 or 750 over 1000 is 75% or .75
750 = 750/1
1000 grams = 1 kilogram 750 grams = 750/1000 = 3/4 kilogram (as a fraction in its simplest form).
It is 750/1000 which you can simplify if required.
It is 750/1000. The fraction can be simplified to 3/4 but by simplifying, you lose almost all information about the accuracy of the original fraction.
- 0.750 = - 750/1000 = - 3/4
Since a meter is 1000 mm, that would be 750mm/1000mm = 750/1000.
It is: 750/1000 = 3/4 simplified
750 in fraction = 750/1
750 to a fraction = 750/1
Well, isn't that a lovely measurement! 5 litres and 750 ml can be written as a fraction as 5 750/1000, which simplifies to 5 3/4. Just imagine those liters and milliliters coming together in perfect harmony, like a happy little fraction on a canvas.
It is 750/1000. The ratio can be simplified to 3/4 but simplification means that you lose information about the precision of the fraction.
750/1000 or 750 over 1000 is 75% or .75
750 - 1000 = -250