-- One hour = 60 minutes. -- A fraction of an hour is the same fraction of 60 minutes. -- To convert a fraction of an hour to minutes, multiply the fraction by 60 minutes.
The fraction is 1.
One hour is 60 minutes so 30 minutes is one-half of an hour.
15 minutes is one quarter of an hour.
33 minutes is 33/60 = 11/20 or 55% of an hour. And it is not ME hour.
It is 33/60, which can be simplified, if required.
-- One hour = 60 minutes. -- A fraction of an hour is the same fraction of 60 minutes. -- To convert a fraction of an hour to minutes, multiply the fraction by 60 minutes.
33% of an hour is 19.8 minutes
Fraction of one hour is 45 minutes is 0.750
33/60 = 0.55 hour.
There are: 60+33 = 93 minutes
Fifteen minutes as a quarter of an hour.
33 minutes.
The fraction is 1.
The answer depends on how many minutes.