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50 ml is 50/1000 of a litre. Whether of not you use a graduated cylinder (however you choose to spell the word) is irrelevant.

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Q: What fraction of a liter is a 50ml graduated cylender?
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What fraction of a liter is 50ml?

1 litre = 1,000 ml50/1000 = 0.05 or 5% or 1/20 of it.

What is the smallest volume measured in 50ml graduated cylinder?

The answer will depend on the quality of the graduation.

How many 50ml bottles can you get from a 1.75 liter bottle?

You can get 35 50ml bottles from a 1.75 liter bottle. This is calculated by dividing 1.75 liters by 0.05 liters (which is equivalent to 50ml).

How much 2T oil do you mix with 1 liter of petrol for your TVs scooty?

50ml per 150 Rs petrol

When using 250 milliter graduated cylinder the minimum accitable volume to be measured?

20% or 50ml

How do you turn 50ml into a fraction?

Fraction basically means "part of". You can't make a fraction out of one number only.

Is 50ml less than 1 tenth of a liter?

yes 1000/10=100 so 50ml would be 1 twentieth /=divide by the way hope this helps =)

What is the name of the procedure you need to complete to find the volume of an irregular object?

The name of the procedure to find the volume of an irregular object is calleD water displacement. You can do this by using a graduated cylinder. so say you fill the graduate up to 50ML and then you drop the object in and it is 100ML . so that tells you the volume of the object is 50ML because you subtract 100ML - 50ML = 50ML

Which would be the BEST tool to measure 50ml of alcohol?

A graduated cylinder or a pipette would be the best tools to measure 50ml of alcohol precisely. These tools are designed for accurate volume measurement and are common in laboratory settings.

How do you find mass of a rock?

Firs fill a graduated cylinder that fits the rock with 50 ml. of water then recored 50ml. or what you started out with then tilt the graduated cylinder to the side and slide the rock down then record were the meniscus the water level is now then subtract 50ml. and the other number and don't forget to add your labels like ml. Hoped it helped -k

What is 50ml in ml?

That's easy. 50ml in ml is 50ml.

How much 50 percent dextrose to add to 1 Liter bag to make 5 percent solution?

50 ml