One year is approx 1/(1/365) of a day.
A month, a week or a day
A benchmark fraction is one that you can remember easily. In the context of time (hours in a day, months in a year, inches in a foot) 5/12 is a convenient fraction.
One year is approx 1/(1/365) of a day.
A month, a week or a day
1 day is 1/365.25636 of a sidereal year.
A benchmark fraction is one that you can remember easily. In the context of time (hours in a day, months in a year, inches in a foot) 5/12 is a convenient fraction.
The Answer:Astronomically speaking, a year is 365.2424 days. Putting that into a fraction is 1/365.2424, which multiplying by 10000, simplifies to 1250/456553. However, putting it into the term of a regular year is 1/365, and a leap year is 1/366.
180 over 365. If you reduce it, the answer is 36 over 73.
there are 24 hours in a day so fraction is 10/24= 5/12
A day is one seventh of a week.