-- One hour = 60 minutes. -- A fraction of an hour is the same fraction of 60 minutes. -- To convert a fraction of an hour to minutes, multiply the fraction by 60 minutes.
One hour is 60 minutes so 30 minutes is one-half of an hour.
13 minutes is 13/60 of one hour.
15 minutes is one quarter of an hour.
There are 60 minutes in one hour Answer: 11/60
-- One hour = 60 minutes. -- A fraction of an hour is the same fraction of 60 minutes. -- To convert a fraction of an hour to minutes, multiply the fraction by 60 minutes.
Fraction of one hour is 45 minutes is 0.750
One hour is 60 minutes so 30 minutes is one-half of an hour.
13 minutes is 13/60 of one hour.
15 minutes is one quarter of an hour.
There are 60 minutes in one hour Answer: 11/60
60 minutes in one hour 3/60 = 1/20
Well, honey, if you want to get technical, 37 minutes out of 60 minutes in an hour is about 37/60. So, to simplify it, the fraction of one hour that 37 minutes represents is 37/60. Math doesn't lie, darling.
It is 43/60.