9/50 of state names include two words. The states are:
Words with 4 syllables include: particular, imperfectly, monumental, microscopic mathematics, entertainment, stupidity, composition, category, contribution State names : Mississippi, Arizona, South Dakota, California (dialectic "Cal-i-forn-yuh")
In words: zero point four. As a fraction: 4/10.
1/18. It IS a fraction. Just in words.
There is no word for inches in a fraction. An inch is a unit for measuring length whereas a fraction is a pure number.
Mixed fraction Improper fraction Numerator Denominator Ratio
Lots of countries have states, so the answer depends on which country's states you are referring to.
Some words that start with the root FRACT include fracture, fraction, and fractal.
saltlake city
The majority of state names are derived from Native American words (23). Other etymologies include Latin (7), English (5), Spanish (5), French (3), and Hawaiian (1). The remaining states' (7) etymologies are undetermined.
Words with 4 syllables include: particular, imperfectly, monumental, microscopic mathematics, entertainment, stupidity, composition, category, contribution State names : Mississippi, Arizona, South Dakota, California (dialectic "Cal-i-forn-yuh")
Florida, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, California,
Adjectives are words that explain the state or quality of something. Examples include "happy," "tall," "beautiful," and "rough." These words describe characteristics or attributes of people, places, or things.
Santa Fe, New Mexico
All proper nouns should be capitalized but all words are capitalized at the beginning of the sentence.
The answer will depend on what the fraction is.
In words: zero point four. As a fraction: 4/10.