When you get the price of a bunch of cheap things (pins for exampel) wach pin costs a fraction of a cent.
A full box has 320 pins how many full boxes can be made from 100 000 pins?
XLR uses 3 pins, in order 1 = ground, 2 = hot, 3 = cold. You connect those to three pins in the 25 pins, but you need to check the manual of the connected unit which pins to connect them to.
One can create a perfect ellipse using two pins on a piece of string and a pencil. Place the pins at opposite sides and then loop the string around them. Finally place the pencil in the loops and pull it around the pins to draw the ellipse.
First of all, a PIN number is an recursive phrase because the N in PIN stands for number! There are 10 PINs of 1 digit 10*10 = 102 PINS of 2 digits, 10*10*10 = 103 PINS of 3 digits, and so on. In all, that makes 11,111,111,110 PINs. Some of them, such as 0, 0000 or 1234 are very insecure, but security of the PIN is not relevant to the question.
In Bowling the term used when knock down all the pins is "Strike".
The objective of Bowling is to knock down and many pins as possible.
To knock down the pins.
The minimum number of pins you would need to knock down to get a 260 would be 97: nine strikes in a row, followed by a 6-1 in the tenth frame. Obviously, it's not the number of total pins that matter, but the number of strikes in a row; it's possible to knock down the same 97 pins and yet only score a 97 game.
To knock all the pins down.
Strikes and spares are terms used in the game of bowling. A strike is when you knock all of the pins down in one shot. A spare is when you knock all of the pins down in two shots.
a strike is all 10 pins knocked down in one try a spare is all 10 pins knocked down in two consecutive tries in the same frame.
A Spare Is when you knock down some pins in the first try but in the next try you knock the rest down you get a spare
you get a 9
You have to knock down ten pins in two tries to get a spare.
Gutter Ball
a "Strike"