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Q: What fraction of the slaves in a state were included when the determining representation in congress?
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In the great compromise what part of the enslaved people in a state were included when determining representation in congress.?


In the Great Compromise what part of the enslaved people in a state were included when determining representation in Congress?

Three fifths were slaves

What fraction of slaves were included when determining in?


What is the name compromise that included the slave population as a fraction of the population to be included in determining the number of representative for a state?

That compromise is known as the Great Compromise.

Why was the three fifth compromise included in the constitution?

To get both the northern and southern states to agree to it. The southern states wanted slaves counted in the population for determining representation in Congress (even though slaves couldn't vote). The northern states wanted them excluded.

What Southern states felt that representation should be based on the number of?

Northern states felt that representation in Congress should be based on the number of free people. Southern states believed that representation should be based on total population, which included slaves.

What fraction of the slaves in a state were included when determining represantation in congress?

The Three-Fifths Compromise was a compromise reached between delegates from southern states and those from northern states during the 1787 United States Constitutional Convention. The debate was over if, and if so, how, slaves would be counted when determining a state's total population for constitutional purposes.

Which speakers idea about representation was actually included in the document that was written?

"The national Congress should consist of two houses: one in which representation is based on population, and one in which states are equally represented." This answer is based on

Did Charles Pinckney want to count slaves in apportioning seats in congress?

Yes. He insisted that slaves be included in the rule of representation, equally with the whites or freemen.

In debates leading up to the three fifths compromise, Northern states argued that?

Slaves should not be included when counting a states population to determine representation in congress. (APEX)

In debates leading up the the Three-fifths Compromise southern states argued that?

Slaves should be counted when counting a stateโ€™s population to determine representation in congress

What agreement determined how slaves would be counted for representation and placed a ban on asking for an end to the slave trade?

The Three-Fifths Compromise, outlined in the United States Constitution, determined that slaves would be counted as three-fifths of a person for the purpose of representation in Congress. Additionally, the Constitution included a provision that prohibited Congress from banning the transatlantic slave trade until 1808.