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Q: What fraction of the square is each triangle if its broke into 4 pieces?
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Can a tile broken into 7 pieces be put back together to make a square?

If the tile was a square before it broke, and if you have all the pieces, then yes. Start as you would with a jigsaw puzzle, try to sort out adjoining parts of the edge, and work your way around.

What would happen if you broke the styrofoam up into lots of pieces then threw the pieces into water?

What would happen if you broke the Styrofoam up into lots of pieces, then threw the pieces into water?

How many pieces did the titanic brake into?

The Titanic broke into two pieces.

What is You will have gold pieces by the bushel?

It means you will go BROKE!

What is the largest iceberg recorded?

The largest iceberg ever recorded was the B-15 iceberg, which broke off Antarctica's Ross Ice Shelf in 2000. It was estimated to be approximately 4,250 square miles (11,000 square kilometers) in size.

When rocks are broke down into small pieces they are known as what?


How did the titanic brake into 2?

The Titanic broke into two pieces because at first one of the ends went down, dragging the whole ship. Then because of the pressure and stress, it broke in two pieces.

When Pangaea broke apart into two pieces what were the names?

When Pangaea broke apart into two pieces, the northern portion was called Laurasia and the southern portion was called Gondwana. These landmasses eventually formed the continents we have today.

What is a good sentence for pieces?

I knocked the vase off the table and it broke into many pieces.The pieces of the puzzle were all over the floor.

IS DNA BROKE into parts?

DNA breaks into pieces and recombines during conception. Scientists also break DNA into pieces when studying it.

If you broke a mineral into many pieces what would happen?

If you break a mineral into pieces it forms into a gas when it is 5 minutes it turns into a liquid.

The heater in your aquarium broke what shall you do?

Not sure what you are asking here, broke as in not working? or broke as in pieces of glass are in the tank? If the heater is not working, you need to purchase a new heater. If the glass tube is cracked or broken and pieces of glass are in your tank, then you need to unplug the heater and remove the glass from the tank.