Neither of them are fractions, they are both integers. 715 is bigger.
7.15 as a fraction = 715/100 or 143/20
It is 11916666/100000 which is nearly 715/6.
fraction that represents 1.00 = 1/1
Neither of them are fractions, they are both integers. 715 is bigger.
7.15 as a fraction = 715/100 or 143/20
It is 11916666/100000 which is nearly 715/6.
fraction that represents 1.00 = 1/1
7 and 15/100 or 715/100
A proper fraction which has 1 as the numerator is called a ________ fraction
It is a fraction.
7.15=715/100=143/20 equivalent=286/40
The one where the numerator and the denominator are the same number.
A fraction represents a portion of a whole item.