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A quarter.

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Q: What fractions of a complete turn does the minute hand turn between 230 AM and 245 AM?
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Related questions

What is the time period of the minute hand on a clock?

The time period of a nimute hand on the clock is one minute since it takes a minute for it to complete one oscillation, ie., one complete cycle of the clock.

How many degrees does the minute hand move in 1hour?

The minute hand moves one complete circle in one hour. One complete circle is 360 degrees.l

If the minute hand on a clock is 4.5 centimeters long what distance does the tip travel in one complete rotation?

Minute hand is 4.5 cmTip of the minute hand completes one complete circle with radius 4.5 cmhence the distance traveled by the tip of minute hand is(2 * 22/7 * 4.5 ) ( circumference of the circle 2 pi R )

What is the angle between minute hand and hour hand at 735?

Every minute is six degrees. At 7:30, the hour hand has moved halfway between the 7 and 8. Call it 15 degrees.

What is the angular velocity of the minute hand?

The angular velocity of the minute hand can be calculated as 2π radians divided by the time it takes to complete one full revolution, which is 60 minutes. Therefore, the angular velocity of the minute hand is π/30 radians per minute.

What time between 2 and 3 o' clock do the minute hand and the hour hand is on 7 Explain?

The minute hand will be at 12 and the hour hand will be at 2. Between 2 and 3 o'clock, the minute hand moves faster, so it will reach the 7 position first, while the hour hand will still be approaching the 2 position.

What is the angle between hour hand and minute hand at 4 pm?

20 degrees

What is the angle between the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock at half past two?

If we simply imagine the minute hand is on the 6, and the hour hand is on the two, there will be a total of 120 degrees between the minute and the hour hand, 1/3 of the clock is covered between the two hands. However, it is not that simple. Because 30 minutes has travelled, the hour hand will be half way between the 2 and the 3. We know that every hour, the hour hand moves 30 degrees (360 / 12 hours = 30). Therefore, in 30 minutes, it will have travelled 15 degrees. Which means the hour hand is 15 degrees closer to the minute hand. Therefore, the actual angle between the minute and hour hand is actually 105 degrees.

What motion is a second hand watch moves through a complete circle every minute?

That motion is called angular motion. The angular speed of the second hand is 2pi radians per minute.

What is the angle between the minute hand and hour hand at quarter past two?

22.5 degrees

If one minute takes the second hand a 36o degree clock wise, then how many degrees clock wise would take the second hand to complete 1 second?

1 per minute.

How many rounds does the short hand and the long hand of a clock complete in one day?

Short Hand- hour hand makes 2 rounds. Long hand - minute hand makes 24 rounds