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Q: What function do more than half the robots perform?
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What function do more than half of robots perform?

they are strong

What is a function that living things perform in order to stay alive and produce more of their own kind is?

Reproduction is the function that living things perform in order to stay alive and produce more of their own kind. It involves the process of creating offspring to ensure the continuation of the species.

What is the only function viruses can perform?

The only function a virus can perform is to make more of themselves.

How are robots powered?

Robots are programmed to perform the specific task or tasks for which they were designed to perform. Robots are simply machines (hardware) that can perform one or more specific tasks. The programming (software) instructs the machine in which order to perform those tasks. Artificial intelligence programming can also be used to allow a robot to adapt to its environment.

What is a group of 2 or more tissues that perform a common function?

An organ.

What are names of a robot?

There are humanoid robots, military robots, insect robots, and space robots. There are more kinds of robots too.

is the performance of tasks by robots is not based on preprogrammed algorithms?

The performance of tasks by robots can be based on preprogrammed algorithms or other methods such as machine learning, neural networks, and artificial intelligence. Robots can be programmed with specific instructions to perform a task, which are based on preprogrammed algorithms. These instructions can be created by humans, and the robot can follow them to complete the task. However, with the advancement of technology, robots can also use machine learning and artificial intelligence to perform tasks. These methods allow robots to learn from data and experiences to make decisions and perform tasks without being explicitly programmed for each specific task. In summary, while the performance of tasks by robots can be based on preprogrammed algorithms, it can also involve more advanced techniques such as machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Do robots have one or more cells?

Robots are typically made of electronic components and machinery, so they do not have cells like living organisms. Robots are constructed with various materials to perform specific tasks, but they do not possess biological components such as cells.

How many robots are built in a year?

more than 500 robots

What is composed of two or more types of tissue that allowed it to perform a specific function or functions?


When the robots are discovered and whomdiscovered it?

The Discovery of robots was in the 1920s by the Czech writer Karel Capek. Robots first appeared in his play "R.U.R." which stands for Rossum's Universal Robots. In the play, robots are artificial life forms created to serve humans but eventually rebel against their creators.

How are robots and computers alike?

Robots contain one or more embedded computers.