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Q: What function do these strutures have?
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Is gradual strutures shred by different species?

IS GRADUAL strutures shared by different species in the evidence of the environment

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Attaches the tooth to bone and surrounding alveolar strutures?


What is the temple at karnak so famous?

for it writing on the strutures foundations

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in angiosperms what is the mature seed surrounded by

What does strutures mean?

it is the arrangement of the composition i.e. it's order and what happens when

What is the study of a body structure?

The study of the functions of the strutures of the body is known as Physiology

What are the 3 p's for a warm up?

the three strutures for a warm up are : prepare physically , prepare mentally and prevent injury

What are microscopic structures?

Microscopic structures are tiny components that are not visible to the naked eye and require magnification to be seen. They can include cells, molecules, organelles, and other small entities that are important for understanding the functioning of biological organisms and materials at a very small scale. Observation of microscopic structures often requires tools like microscopes to visualize them clearly.

How are tornadoes bad for the earth?

Tornadoes are considered bad because they damage or destroy the strutures and vegetation that they hit, sometimes killing or injuring those unlucky enough to be in their path.

Gaseous exchange occurs in plants through these strutures in the epidermis?

The structure in the epidermis that gaseous exchange occurs in plants is through the stomata. A stomata is a tiny opening or pore in the epidermis.