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A sphere

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Q: What geometric shape has the smallest surface area for given volume?
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What geometric shape has the smallest surface area for a given volume?

A sphere

What solid shape minimises surface area?

the sphere has the smallest surface area for any given volume.

Why is a bubble spherical?

The spherical shape is the smallest surface area for a given volume. This comes about naturally when a surface under pure surface tension contains a fluid volume.

What does volume and surface area have in common?

The volume of a body and the surface area arerelated but not in a direct way. For a given volume, the smallest surface area of an object is seen then the object is a sphere. As the shape flattens from a sphere, so the surface area becomes larger. When the object approaches an infinitely small thickness, the surface area approaches and infinite size.

The most effective shape for achieving critical mass is a?

sphere, as it has the smallest surface area for a given volume. This means it can hold the most material in the smallest space, allowing for efficient packing and maximum density.

How can I work out the smallest needed width volume and height for a box with a given volume?

A cuboid, of a given volume, has minimum length etc when each of them is equal to the cube root of the volume.

At what temperature do the combined effects of contraction and expansion produce the smallest volume of water?

Water has its smallest volume (for any given mass) at 4 degrees Celsius.

Why does liquid water take the shape of a sphere?

Liquid water tends to form spherical droplets due to surface tension, which minimizes the surface area of the water droplet. This results in a spherical shape, as it has the smallest surface area for a given volume of water.

Would a spherical protist or a cylindrical protist have a higher surface area to volume ratio?

A spherical protist would have a higher surface area to volume ratio compared to a cylindrical protist of the same size. This is because a sphere has the smallest surface area for a given volume, making it more efficient in terms of nutrient exchange and waste removal.

Why do alveoli have folds in them?

increase surface area for a given volume

How to Maximize volume given surface area?

make it spherical

How to find the surface area and volume of a sphere with a given radius.?

Given a sphere of radius r, Surface area = 4{pi}r2 Volume = (4/3){pi}r3