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It is a pentagon, but not a regular pentagon- it is shaped like home plate for Baseball or softfball.

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A five sided geometric shape is called a pentagon.

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The name of an eleven sided geometric shape is a Hendecagon or endecagon.

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like a shape like squares triangles that stuff if its a shape its probobly a geometric object

What does geometric shapes mean?

Geometric shapes mean that the shape is just a basic shape, like for example, a trapazoid would be a geometric shape because of it continuous lines that connect at each corner.

Is a geometric shape a geometric form?

Wikipedia defines geometric shape as follows:A geometric shape is the geometric information which remains when location, scale, orientation and reflection are removed from the description of a geometric object.The above definition does not address the fact that non-mathematical attributes, such as colour, taste, smell, temperature, and so on can also be removed.