The bucket full of water because liquids heat up faster than solids.
Gets evaporated into condensation. Water droplets get formed by the condensation & the more condensation gets added to the droplet, the heavier the droplet gets. When water droplets get heavy enough, they fall (this is called Precipitation). Water also gets evaporated from the trees (this is called Transpiration).
In the Fahrenheit scale, 81o is a warm summer day. In the Celsius scale it is a lot hotter (the weather on Earth never gets that hot, and we would be in very serious trouble if it did).
Yes, an independent/dependant relationship to two things would be heat/volume when working with gas. The volume of object increases as an object gets hotter however an object does not get hotter if the volume increases therefore the volume is dependant on the heat, this makes the volume the dependant variable. Therefore the heat has to be the independent variable.
Take a tin can with a lid. Fill it approximately with half of water. Heat the can on a candle flame till the water boils. Let the water boil for a few minutes. Blow out the candle. Immediately put the lid tightly on the can. Be careful in handling the hot can. Put the can carefully in a shallow metallic vessel or a washbasin. Pour fresh water over the can.THE CAN GETS DISTORTED DUE TO THE AIR PRESSURE EXERTED.If you can't get a tin can, take a soft plastic bottle. Fill it with hot water. Empty the bottle and immediately cap it tightly. Place the bottle under running water.
which gets hotter land or water
Hotter the temperature the hotter the water or the colder the temperature the colder the water gets
It gets hotter
No. It gets hotter - that is not the same
that water expands when it gets cooler , other forms of matter expands when it gets hotter.
It gets hotter and hotter
because water has a higher heat capacity than sand
Have a temperature / pressure balence type installed
Hot water gets hotter at any temperature that is higher than its temperature.
One way to do it would be to have a bucket of water with a hole in it that is connected to a pulley and weights. As the bucket gets lighter, the weights cause the hand to turn. You would have to vary the dripping to calibrate it.
When air gets hotter, or when any gas gets hotter, it expands. This means its density will decrease; therefore, cooler (and heavier) air will push it up.When air gets hotter, or when any gas gets hotter, it expands. This means its density will decrease; therefore, cooler (and heavier) air will push it up.When air gets hotter, or when any gas gets hotter, it expands. This means its density will decrease; therefore, cooler (and heavier) air will push it up.When air gets hotter, or when any gas gets hotter, it expands. This means its density will decrease; therefore, cooler (and heavier) air will push it up.