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Q: What gives the maximum segment length for a 1000base-fx network?
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What is the length of category 5 cable for home network?

For any Cat 5 cable, the maximum segment length is 100 meters per segment.

What is the max cable length for 10baset network?

100 Meters per segment, a maximum of 5 segments equaling 500 Meters.

The maximum segment lenght on a 10BaseT network is meters?

10BaseT is another name for co-axial cable. It has a maximum cable length of 185 meters or 607 ft.

What is the maximum segment length of UTP?

100 meters

What is the maximum segment length of 100basefx?

2.5 kilometers

Is the maximum distance a signal can travel equal to a segment's maximum length?

It is true. The book says "The maximum distance a signal can travel and still be interpreted accurately is equal to a segment's maximum length. Beyond this length, data loss is apt to occur."

How would a repeater be used in an Ethernet segment?

Repeaters are usually used in coaxial based ethernet networks. For this purpose they are used to extend the length of a network segment. For example, in a 10base2 ethernet network the maximum length of a segment is 180 meters. A repeater could join two segments together to increase the length of the network and the number of clients in the network. In today's modern networks you will see neither coaxial networks nor repeaters in a LAN. Repeaters are used for DSL transmissions, but not for LANS.

What is the maximum segment length supported by the 10GBaseER standard?

40 km

What is the maximum distance for rg6 coax?

For use in networks the maximum segment length would be 500 meters

What Ethernet specification has the longest maximum segment length?

1000 base‑lx

What is the maximum length of a netbios network name?

15 characters.

Which of the following is a potential problem with daisy-chaining hubs on a 10BASE-T network?

Exceeding the maximum network length