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Q: What goals would you set yourself for the next 12 months?
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What are your long term goals for the next few months?

Long term goals?? next few months?? which is it?? Long term or next few months ?? A long term goal may be to steadily strive for success and over the next few months I would hope to have a better plan on how to achieve success.

What are your professional goals in the next 36 months?

Having professional goals is integral to maintain a strong pattern of growth. You may have goals such as reaching certain matrixes that are tracked by your company or earning a promotion.

What is the difference between professional goals and personal career objectives?

Educational goals are long-term in nature: what classes will you take/how will you educate yourself to prepare for the career you hope to have? For instance, if you want to become a doctor, your educational goals would be to get a Bachelor's degree in Pre-Med, apply to medical schools, attend and complete medical school, etc. Educational goals can apply to a long period of time, depending on where you are in your education. If you're in high school and plan to go to college, your educational goals could apply to the next one to eight years or longer. Short-term professional goals are what you will do within the next three to 12 months to advance/improve your professional practice. For instance, "In three months I will be able to fully use XYZ software. I will accomplish this by taking the course offered by the company."

Where you see yourself in the next five years?

A person can give information regarding where he or she expects to be according to goals. Simply think of the accomplishments you wish to achieve in the next five years and you will be able to determine where you see yourself.

Will Torres score 30 plus goals next season?

I hope he can only if he work hard, unlike last 16 months

Where do you see yourself in next few years if you are selected in the company?

Where do you see yourself in next few years if you are selected in the company?This is a very common job interview question. Think carefully about your plans. Really answer it for yourself, Where do you see yourself in five years? Where do you hope to be?The interviewer is looking to find out a few things with this question. First, are you the type of person who plans ahead and sets goals? You should be. Second, do your goals match those of the company and the position? Your goals need to fit the career path for the job. They don't want to lose you in a year or two.You say, "working here."

Career Interests in the Next 12-18 Months?

Please describe the experiences, opportunities and/or positions you would like to have the chance to pursue in the next 12-18 months.

How do you answer 'What are your career goals on the next three to five years' in a job interview?

That is a question you should prepare yourself for before the interview. Answer the question honestly and state what your career goals are, especially as they relate to that particular company.

Why do businesses have objectives?

objectives are set to obtain the goals set e.g reduce costs by 20% within next 6 months Goals are set to achieve future planned advancement in business e.g make the company more profitable.

What are your goals for the next 3 years?

I would like to start my own buisness in Mobile Fun Casino and Succeed:)

What two macro-economic indicators would you recommend watching to assess the economy's condition over the next six months?

what two macro-economic indicators would you recommend watching to assess the economy condition over the next six months

Sample questions to interview apj Abdul kalam?

What are your career goals and where do you find yourself in the next five years?" is ab example of the sample interview questions at APJ Abdul Kalam.