To calculate how many times 18 goes into 126, you would divide 126 by 18. The result is 7, meaning that 18 goes into 126 seven times evenly. This can be verified by multiplying 18 by 7, which equals 126.
21 goes into 126 6times 21 goes into 189 9times gcf =21
Well, 3 goes in to 126, 42 times because 3 goes into 12, 4 times and 3 goes into 6, 2 times so 4 then 2, 42
1 and 7 both do
1 with remainder 58.
To calculate how many times 18 goes into 126, you would divide 126 by 18. The result is 7, meaning that 18 goes into 126 seven times evenly. This can be verified by multiplying 18 by 7, which equals 126.
21 goes into 126 6times 21 goes into 189 9times gcf =21
To determine how many times 3 goes into 126, you would perform a division operation. By dividing 126 by 3, you would find that 3 goes into 126 a total of 42 times. This is because 3 multiplied by 42 equals 126.
To determine how many times 84 goes into 126, you divide 126 by 84. This division results in 1.5, meaning that 84 goes into 126 1.5 times. However, since we are dealing with whole numbers, 84 goes into 126 once with a remainder of 42.
The HCF is 9
14 x 10 = 140 140 - 14 = 126 = 14 x 9
Well, 3 goes in to 126, 42 times because 3 goes into 12, 4 times and 3 goes into 6, 2 times so 4 then 2, 42
They are: 2, 3 and 7