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Q: What goes into a ciggarette?
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Does one cigarette affect someones health?

No one ciggarette is nothing you get more damage by breathing the air in your house than from one ciggarette

What ciggarette is the worst for your health?

all of them! DONT SMOKE!

Who invented the ciggarette lighter?

Johann Wolfgang Dobreiner in 1823.

What does a ciggarette do to your body?

gives u cancer and breathing problems

How do ciggarette companys change the flavor of there cigarettes?

Mix it with honey:)

What is the most popular ciggarette brand?

windfield red 50 in Iran.

Where is ciggarette lighter fuse in a 1998 Mitsubishi Eclipse?

in the fuse box

Does Raymond smoke?

No he doesnt,i know he was smoking in his video 'omg' but that was a fake ciggarette :)

Does usher Raymond smoke?

No he doesnt,i know he was smoking in his video 'omg' but that was a fake ciggarette :)

What is the pipe placed on the end of a ciggarette used more in the fifties etc?

shanice Denise young aka shyhe end of a cigarrete is called the is used to filter the smoke that goes into your body.hope this helps!god bless!Maggie magness

What is the ciggarette alowance from Prague?

That depends on the laws of the country in which YOU live. Of cause you have not told us that so we can not answer you.