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Q: What goes side to side and up and down but never moves?
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A Block Mountain.

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Elevation will be the one that moves it up and down. Windage will be the one that moves it from side to side.

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S waves

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s wave!

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when it goes up and down, or side to side

How does the movement of a cat's jaw differ from that of a dog's?

Cats have a limited side-to-side movement in their jaws, which is why they cannot grind their food like dogs can. Dogs, on the other hand, have a wider range of motion in their jaws, allowing them to chew food more extensively.

Does the equator up and down or side to side?

On standard maps and globes, the Equator goes side to side.

What is that name of of a metal arrow like thing that moves side to side and never stops?

it is called a penjelum or some variation of that spelling

A 1993 Mercury Villager has a loose steering wheel it moves up-down and side to side. What would be the cause of this?

Bad bearing?

You horizontal up and down or side to side?

think of horizontal like this when you look out on the horizon the sun goes down horizotal this is a horizontal line

What direction does a transverse wave move?

A transverse wave moves perpendicular to the direction of the wave's oscillations. This means that the wave moves in a side-to-side or up-and-down motion, as opposed to moving in the same direction as the oscillations.