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Q: What goes with pepperonis?
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How many pepperonis are in a 10 lb bag?

The number of pepperonis that are found in a 10 lb bag will depend on the actual size of the pepperonis. This can vary immensely as pepperoni comes in a number of different sizes.

Is pepperoni healthy?

yes pepperonis are healthy

Are pepperonis cooked on pizza?

No. It's a topping.

Need recipe for meth with charcoal?

Mix hotdogs and pepperonis together will frosting

Why do pepperonis curl?

Because whatever you Are using to heat this up however Causes the peperonis to curl up and get small very easy.

How many pepperonis are on a pizza?

88 pieces, the last time I worked there.

How many pepperoni's will it take to cover a 24 inch pizza?

24 It depends on how big the pepperonis are. If they are 1 inch across, than 24.

How many pepperonis are in a 24oz bag?

um buy a bag and count them, I don't have enough time on my hand to think up this question let alone find out the answer.

Do all vegetarians follow the same rule of suplement?

No, some vegetarians eat pizza without pepperonis and things like that. Other vegetarians as we are fimaliar with eat tofu, fruits and vegetables.

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I think it would be interesting to see the world record for the longest time submerged underwater be attempted next. It would be a challenging and unique record to break.

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when it goes out it just goes out:D when it goes out it just goes out:D when it goes out it just goes out:D

When was It Goes Like It Goes created?

It Goes Like It Goes was created in 1979.