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Q: What graph helps to show the relative sizes of parts of a larger whole each slice represents one part and the size of the slice shows how mush of the whole that part makes up?
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This graph helps to show the relative sizes of quantities under different conditions?

bar graph.

Does a pie graph always equal 100 percent?

The pie always represents the whole, or 100% of a thing. That is one reason to use a pie graph. It helps you visually 'get' the actual proportions of the things that make up the whole.

What does the red line on a climate graph stand for?

The red line on a climate graph typically represents the average temperature over a specific period of time, such as a month or a year. It helps to visualize the trend and fluctuations in temperature over time for a specific location.

What does data graph mean?

A Data Graph is a just a graph of data :) -Hope This Helps =D

What is the significance of distanced-time graph?

A distance time graph is important because it helps determine the speed of a person or object. The use of the graph helps to easily interpret the results.

How do you create an graph?

You can use the 'create graph' tool on Microsft Exel. Hope that helps.

What is the best graph to show temperature change?

Scatter graph i think. Hope that helps!

What do you call the graph of a quadratic function?

the graph of a quadratic function is a parabola. hope this helps xP

Vertical scale and interval affect the look of a bar graph or a line graph?

by making the graph have an important missing part...(hope it helps!)

What helps us see the information easily?


What is travel time graph?

A travel time graph shows the relationship between the distance traveled and the time taken for a journey. It helps to visualize how travel time changes as distance increases, and can be useful for planning routes and estimating arrival times. The slope of the graph represents the speed of travel.

Words that end in graph?

paragraph and homograph hope that helps you